We have access to a number of financiers to fund your property development.
Development funding generally operates as an interest-only, draw-down facility to finance development as required. Often the interest on a development loan is capitalised during the development period, with the entire loan including the interest charged being repaid upon the sale of the development and or the refinance of any residual debt.
The borrowing capacity you can achieve for development finance will vary depending on the development lending criteria you are required to meet. This will vary from lender to lender and is also dependant on the proposal.
To find out more, speak to our Property Development Finance specialist on 1300 889 142 or talk to us.
Get In Touch
Contact Information
Feel free to give us a buzz and discuss your situation and needs further or submit your details on the left.
Phone 0410 321 222
Email peter@hivefinance.com.au
Address Suite 2, Level 1, 354 Bay Street, Brighton-Le-Sands NSW 2216